Changes in general economic conditions in the markets, such as continuing or deepening recessions, changes in foreign exchange rates and interest rates and volatility in equity markets, it may continue to affect the management and decision making. Therefore, the ability to quickly and in-depth analyze the business environment is essential, our extensive experience can help you to find financial, strategic and operational solutions that improve your liquidity, financial flexibility and stakeholder returns.
After the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997, the SARS outbreak in 2003, the global financial tsunami in 2008 and the European debt crisis in 2010.
Corporate transparency becomes the most important topic. The world’s investors want access to more accurate and relevant information about companies, transactions, markets and risks. Regulators are moving to exert more control.
We have extensive financial reporting, transaction, commercial and corporate governance knowledge and experience, gained across all markets and regions. Whatever the change of regulations and conditions, we can also solve the problem on schedule.
Before entering into the contract, we will fully communicate with our client first to ensure they have a clear mind on their needs and what they really need. We will provide our professional advice on the issues and give the best solution to solve the problems.
After communicating with our client, we will consider the situation case by case and select the most suitable valuation method to analysis and calculation. For examples, Asset – based Approach, Market Approach, DCF Approach and etc.
By different ways to research useful information. For examples, the same type of financial data of listed companies, the market value of related equipment / building / land, and so on.
Go to the company or the target plant for site visits and communicate with the management or related personnel. The purpose is to define the market developments, business Model, production program, and so on.
Through the organization all types of information, we can estimate the value of assets and liabilities and prepare a draft valuation report.
Explanation on the calculations and assumptions of the report. Sign and issue a final report.